Monday, August 27, 2007

A website of significance

I'm going to suggest a website that could change your life, or at the least cause you to plan a little road trip.

For Montana patients struggling to find a supply of medicine, this website could be a partial answer. And YES, if you are a registered medical marijuana patient in Montana, you can purchase medicine through the outlets discussed at this website. You have to show up with your credentials (card and identification) but you may be able to be pre-verified, by calling ahead.

You'll have to register to access this very important website, but that only takes a few moments. It takes a little more time to get a sense of how the site works but here's a clue: Click "Menus".

If you are registered medical marijuana patient, Go!

Friday, August 24, 2007

On physician referrals...

Several of the participants in this blog have asked the question, "How do I find a physician who will recommend medical marijuana for my condition?"

We (that is, the mysterious beings who created this blog) are not going to publish the names of Montana physicians who recommend. For one thing, we only know the names of a few recommending physicians. This information is not a matter of public record, after all.

We would prefer that patients contact other patients with the best information they have about physicians who might potentially recommend. We know that's a little difficult to do in a setting in which some participants choose to remain anonymous. But that's the best way to exchange information.

Alternative? Write to While we won't send you a physician's name, we will forward your inquiry to one of several patients (chosen based upon your diagnosis and geographic area, which hopefully you'll include in your email) who may be able to help.

Ideally, the best approach is to have your regular, treating physician make the recommendation. To accomplish that goal, we will soon have available an information packet for physicians that may help overcome their reluctance to recommend.

But if your physician won't recommend, send us an email. Someone will contact you with helpful information.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Deadline approaches for comments

Dear Friends of Montana Patients and Families United:

The Montana Pain and Symptom Management Task Force (created by Senate Joint Resolution 28, passed by the Montana Legislature in 2005) has produced a White Paper entitled "Recommendations for Improving Pain and Symptom Management in Montana.

While this publication is excellent in many ways, it makes no reference to Medical Marijuana or Montana's I-148 Medical Marijuana initiative.

Those of you who suffer from pain, or know someone who does, are likely aware that medical marijuana has been proven effective in controlling pain. In many cases, medical marijuana allows a patient to function in activities of daily living without resorting to stronger, possibly addictive medications.

Would it be possible for you to take a few moments to read the White Paper, available online HERE.

and then enter comments HERE.

One suggestion for appropriate comments might be to respond to Question 4: In your opinion what is missing from the White Paper?

If you feel the White Paper should recognize the usefulness of medical marijuana as an effective treatment modality for pain, submit such a suggestion.

The more responses, the more likely our concerns over the omission of medical marijuana will be recognized.

So, read the White Paper and if you feel a response is in order...RESPOND!